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Olympic Flame Sweden
Swestone ScandinaviaSponsor
Swestone Scandinavia Icon
On Swestone Scandinavia, we strive to make the best of what nature provides with environmentally friendly methods. We specialize in natural stone and natural stone only. We offer natural stones tailored to perfection. Welcome to contact us for more info!
View ProfileGothenburg, Sweden
OutletKlockor Icon
Vi på Outletklockor är serviceinriktade och strävar alltid efter att du som kund ska vara nöjd. Vi vet att kundservice är en viktig del av försäljningen. För oss är kundservice A och O, förutom våra låga priser så vill vi alltid att din köpupplevelse som kund ska vara bra. Därför jobbar vi kontinuerligt med nya projekt, såväl som nya varumärken som förbättring av vår egen webbplats. Saknar du något eller har några frågor, tveka inte att kontakta oss.
070-8911603 | View ProfileLinköping, Teknikringen Sweden
Hellströms GuldSponsor
Hellströms Guld Icon
Hellströms Guld is a Sweden based gold shop. It has their own studio with wide range of jewelry including marriage and engagement rings. If you want to surprise your dear one by gifting them gold which is crafted by goldsmith, then visit Hellströms Guld.
086605620 | View ProfileStockholm, Sweden
Hellströms GuldSponsor
Hellströms Guld Icon
We opened up the doors already in 1955. In that time we were called Hellstrom & Åhrling.In the mid-80s so we went into the house with the name Hell's Gold.We have our own studio, with a wide range of jewelry, marriage and engagement rings .
08-6605620 | View ProfileStockholm, Stockholm Sweden
Alla BBBGAM’s förlovningsringar har lägsta prisgaranti i Sverige.
0470 652 80 | View ProfileVäxjö, Kronoberg Sweden
TREEM (True and Elegant Movement Stockholm AB)Sponsor
TREEM (True and Elegant Movement Stockholm AB) Icon
TREEM (True and Elegant Movement Stockholm AB) is a company registered in Sweden. We’re not just a jewellery brand; we’re creating a movement of true elegance. TREEM stands for True and Elegant Movement and is committed to offer sustainable jewellery, designed and handcrafted in Sweden. Our unique handmade bracelets stand out for their Raw Elegance that not only enhances the outer beauty of the wearer, but also makes him/her stronger from inside and more responsible for the world’s greater good. TREEM promotes values like sustainability, equality and fair working conditions in all aspects of our business, right from production and collaboration to marketing and shipping.
+46 851512102 | View ProfileStockholm, Sweden
Makston Icon
Makston är Sveriges första butik för smyckestillbehör online. Från smyckeskrin för att förvara dina dyrbara smycken och förhindra att de skadas, till smyckesställ för att visa upp dina finaste smycken - samlare av dyrbara föremål kommer att hitta något som passar dem här.
View ProfileKatrineholm, Sweden
Hanno StockholmSponsor
Hanno Stockholm Icon
''Our designs are made from the finest materials, so you can wear them with peace of mind. Our commitment to quality extends to the sourcing of our diamonds as well, which only originate from reliable and reputable sources. This will ensure that you or your loved ones receive handcrafted precious jewelry that will bring a smile to their faces for years to come. Your precious jewelry will be made with joy and happiness by a person who has a passion for making it. The environmental impact is also very important for us that’s why we plant a tree for each piece of handcrafted precious jewelry we sell so that we can reduce our co2 footprint as much as we can. For us it’s not just selling precious jewelry, it’s important to leave the customer with an outstanding experience and that’s why HANNO allows its clients to be involved in every single detail of the process. It all starts with meeting the client, listening to an idea, and even listening to the way how the client will propose so that HANNO can have a clear picture of the ring. After the meeting we start drawing the image of precious jewelry and showing every single mm in it, showing the client the diamond details and the GIA, HRD, or IGI certificate, and even where the diamond comes from. Hanno also tries to film the process as much as he can depending on how many orders are in the pipeline. One thing you can be sure of is that your handmade precious jewelry is made with very skilled hands.''
(+46)0768116167 | View ProfileStockholm, Sweden