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Olympic Flame Slovakia
Akontax, s.r.oSponsor
Akontax, s.r.o Icon
CryptoPositive provide cryptocurrency guide for beginners and people who would like to start with bitcoin. It also provide info about best bitcoin wallets, how does bitcoin work, how to store bitcoins.
000 000 0000 | View ProfileŽilina, Slovakia
Firma BENIX, s. r. o. bola založená v roku 1992. Od svojho vzniku prevádzkovala klenotníctva Valentina a Princess, ktoré sa udomácnili v Bratislave aj v historickom centre Prahy. Pretože neustále na sebe pracujeme, naše predajne prešli renamingom a rebrandingom. S hrdostou Vám môžeme predstavit meno našej znacky, podla ktorej sú pomenované aj naše predajne. Amawell je stvorená znacka z lásky, rodiny a silných vztahov, slnka, cistej modrej oblohy, mora, perál a perlorodiek. Znacka Amawell je zložená z dvoch slov:Ama - Lovkyna perál (Ama v doslovnom preklade znamená „žena mora'' a je oznacenie pre ženy, ktoré žili väcšinu svojho života pri mori a denne niekolko hodín zbierali mušle.)Well - co znamená DOBRE.Momentálne prevádzkujeme štyri Amawell predajne v nákupných centrách – CENTRAL, VIVO, SHOPPING PALACE BRATISLAVA a PALLADIUM Praha.Stále rastieme, vyvíjame sa a napredujeme. Dôkazom toho sú naše dve nové predajne ZEN by AMAWELL v dalších dvoch nákupných centrách - OC NIVY a AUPARK SHOPPING CENTER.
00421 910 233 222 | View ProfileBratislava, Slovakia
GL tradeSponsor
GL trade Icon
Price GuaranteesOur services are provided for affordable prices, at reasonable costs and without hidden fees. The prices are fixed, you will be aware of them in advance and you will not be ripped off by the taxi driver.Professional driversTransfers are provided only by family members, we do not employ any hired inexperienced drivers. To insure the passenger’s comfort, we provide baby seats in our cars and a strict non-smoking policy is implemented.24/7 Private hire serviceOur Private hire service is available 24/7, 365 days in a year.Meet & greetWe watch closely the flight arrival times, giving you peace of mind that our driver will be waiting for you at the right time in the arrival hall of the airport with your name-sign.
00421 903 853 359 | View ProfileBratislava, Slovakia
Crowe SlovenskoSponsor
Crowe Slovensko Icon
What are our priorities?Client satisfaction and success is what we value. We evaluate the situation of each client and try to think like him. Our clients receive strategic decisions in all our services, a high level of care and understanding unbeatable in this market. Our clients are trained by professionals whose priority is to identify all client needs and to provide them with all the relevant services.The Crowe brand in Slovakia is recognized by clients as a trusted group of professional consultancy and outsourcing firms serving local and international organizations.
View ProfileBratislava, 821 08, Bratislava Slovakia
finfinsk Icon stands at the forefront of financial education, offering a comprehensive platform for both novice investors and seasoned financial enthusiasts. Our website is dedicated to demystifying the world of finance, providing insightful reviews of brokers and crypto exchanges, and offering step-by-step guides on buying shares and investing wisely.
View ProfileNil, Nil Slovakia
Elfbarvapeeu WebSponsor
elfbarvapeeu Icon offers high-quality disposable e-cigarettes that are ready to use immediately. Our online store provides fast shipping from our EU warehouse to all EU countries. Explore our wide range of products and enjoy a convenient and modern vaping experience!
View ProfileBratislava, Sturovo Slovakia
Town TalkSponsor
Town Talk Icon
Town Talk je moderní technologický magazín, který vám prináší nejnovejší novinky, trendy a analýzy z oblasti technologií, inovací a digitálního života.
55555555555 | View ProfileBratislava, mestská cast Ružinov Slovakia