EupharmaaSponsor |
European online pharmacy offers all generics support for erectile dysfunction, potency, improve your sexual |
View ProfileLipnica Wielka, Pland Poland |
Agnieszka GuzowskaSponsor |
We offer psychological help and psychotherapy in various cities of Poland. We are a group of psychotherapists working in psychodynamic and psychoanalytic paradigms. We make every effort to help everybody who is looking for help and contacts us. We work with expats from various countries. We provide psychotherapy and professional psychological help for people suffering from a wide variety of problems, ranging from temporary crises to severe mental suffering. We treat depression, anxiety, phobias, obsessive and compulsive tendencies, psychosomatic disorders, personality disorders, borderline and manic-depressive problems, and many others. We cooperate with psychiatrists when necessary. |
+48 509 813 384 | View ProfileWarszawa, Dolnoslaskie Poland |
Nefryt Green Wieslaw KorneckiSponsor |
Z lózka nefrytowego moze korzystac kazdy. To nowoczesne urzadzenie, ale bazujace na osiagnieciach starozytnej, naturalnej medycyny chinskiej. Lózko masuje goracymi kamieniami nefrytowymi kregoslup, nogi. Masaz jest nie tylko korzystny dla zdrowia, ale i bardzo przyjemny. Z lózkiem nefrytowym mozna zastosowac piec typów zabiegów: |
506-266-445 | View ProfileKonskie, Konskie Poland |
Normobarica Komora NormobarycznaSponsor |
Normobarica to komora normobrayczna zlokalizowana na Slasku w - Dabrowie Górniczej. Jest to pomieszczenie, w którym panuja optymalne warunki do funkcjonowania naszego organizmu. Poprzez zwiekszone cisnienie powietrza (1500 hPa ), zwiekszona zawartosc tlenu ( do 38% ) oraz obecnosc wodoru ( do 0,5 % ), pobudzamy nasz organizm do szybszej regeneracji komórek. Naukowo potwierdzone jest, iz przebywajac w takich warunkach nasz organizm produkuje nawet do 700 % wiecej komórek macierzystych, dzieki czemu nasz organizm ma mozliwosc do samoregeneracji. Komory normobaryczne niosa za soba bardzo korzystne zastosowania w sporcie oraz w utrzymaniu piekna skóry i jej odmladzaniu. |
607600770 | View ProfileDabrowa Górnicza, Dabrowa Górnicza Poland |
Detoxicopinie PlSponsor |
Online portal for medicine online where you can find quality medicine at dirt cheap rates. |
View Profilewarshaw, Poland |
Kinga CzarneckaSponsor |
Z kobieta nie ma zartów - w milosci czy w gniewie. Co mysli, nikt nie zgadnie; co zrobi nikt nie wie. |
View ProfileOpatów, Swietokrzyskie Poland |
PodoCenterSponsor |
PodoCenter is a professional podiatry office in Warsaw, the capital city of Poland. Podiatrist Ewelina Szpakowska will cure all feet problems and diseases. Choosing PodoCenter services you can be sure, that the treatment will be effective and save. |
+48 661887077 | View Profile04-026 Warszawa, Poland |
ANMEDICA Anna LitowinskaSponsor |
AnMedica is a team of experienced podiatrists in Poznan. We are one of the leading centers in podological surgery. Professional tools, equipment and medicine allows us to set a high standard of services in AnMedica – Wielkopolskie Centrum Zdrowej Stopy |
View ProfilePoznan, Poland |
E-originalSHOP XtrasizeSponsor |
Kazdy mezczyzna marzy, by kobiety podziwialy jego rozmiary. Czesto powtarzane frazesy, ze nie dlugosc a technika sie liczy, wcale do nich nie przemawiaja. I do mnie tez nie. Oczywiscie, ze rozmiar ma znaczenie! Ja juz nigdy nie dam sobie wmówic, ze jest inaczej, bo wypróbowalem XtraSize, który pomógl mi odzyskac pewnosc siebie w intymnych sytuacjach. |
00486796881 | View ProfileWarszawa, Poland |
Gabinet Zdrowych Stop Monika CichonSponsor |
At Gabinet Zdrowych Stop Monika Cichon, patient-care is our top priority. As the number one choice for podological services in the Kielce area, we can address any concerns our patients may have with their feet. You don’t have to be in pain any longer, visit to find out how we can help. |
+48 530 304 875 | View Profile23-251 Terpentyna, Poland |
Doswiadczony podolog w Bydgoszczy. Jestesmy gabinetem z lekarzem i pielegniarka specjalistka leczenia ran. Gabinet powstal z wielkiej pasji pomagania innym i milosci do stop. |
++48 885 111 185 | View ProfileBydgoszcz, Polska Poland |
At Pro-Cosmetica, our goal is to have every patient leave happy with their services. We treat conditions of the feet, ankles, and toenails. From callus removals to diagnosing nail conditions, our certified podiatrists can help keep your feet healthy. Learn more about our services at |
+48500300558 | View ProfileKoszalin, Zachodniopomorskie Poland |
At ORTOGENIC, we care about your feet. Located in Wroclaw, we offer a range of podological treatments for your feet, based on an initial diagnosis, including removing of ingrown nails, viral warts, and prints, nail plate reconstruction, and much more. To treat your feet kindly, call our office at +48 796 655 468. |
+48 796 655 468 | View ProfileWroclaw, Poland |
Ubuy PolandSponsor |
Ubuy is not your usual e-commerce website, we provide our customers with access to an excellent variety of products. Today's shoppers want more in a shorter time period, and let's not forget the easy purchase methods and delivery to make it worth their while. Based in Kuwait, Ubuy offer its services in more than 90 countries around the world to provide its shoppers with access to product categories that keeps them coming back. |
(91) 8871177 | View ProfileKrakow, Krakow Poland |
Saliva COVID-19 antigen rapid testSponsor |
Saligen is a non-invasive diagnostical health instrument based on the principle of SARS-CoV-2 antigens detection in human saliva of persons suspected with COVID-19 infection.The tested person gathers saliva in their mouth for 30 seconds (approx. 0,5 ml), the sample is extracted, mixed in the tube, and evaluated in 10 minutes using a special testing card. |
56831840 | View ProfileKraków, Poland |