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Olympic Flame Poland
Spaced Icon
W Spaced projektujemy logo, wizytówki, materialy reklamowe. Ilustrujemy i animujemy.
660696633 | View ProfileKraków, Kraków Poland
Sigma-Art Mateusz GwózdzSponsor
Sigma-Art Mateusz Gwózdz Icon
My name is Mateusz Gwózdz, I specialize in online advertising using the latest platforms, market segmentation and in creating functional websites. I create modern websites using the latest technologies. By using my services, you can be sure that the website prepared by me will be both technically up-to-date and user-friendly.Choose a company from Kalisz that will reliably prepare an online store, websites, SEM and SEO campaigns and local business.I have an extensive portfolio with entrepreneurs from the following cities: Kalisz, Ostrów Wielkopolski, Pleszew, Jarocin, Konin, Leszno, Wielun.Keywords: web design, e-commerce, marketing online, SEO, SEM, designing online stores, Kalisz, Ostrów Wielkopolski, Pleszew, Leszno, Jarocin, Wielun, BrzezinyBusiness Since: 2014
View ProfileKalisz, Poland
TLarsson Icon
Serwis do poznawania nowych ludzi w celach zwiazkowych.
View ProfileKrakow, Poland
Instagram obserwujacychSponsor
instagram obserwujacych Icon
Mozesz kupic Instagram Followers i Likes od 0.99 zl. Natychmiastowa dostawa. Najwyzszej jakosci obserwatorzy na Instagramie i Likes. 100% bezpieczenstwa.
View ProfilePolsko, Warszawa Poland
Cresh Icon
Cresh: From Idea to Funded VentureIn today’s innovative landscape, transforming a brilliant idea into a successful business requires more than just inspiration—it needs the right tools and support. Cresh is here to help you navigate this journey with ease and efficiency.Step 1: Add Your IdeaStart by adding your concept to Cresh’s user-friendly platform, whether it's a rough sketch or a detailed plan.Step 2: Quick ValidationOur advanced AI conducts an in-depth analysis of your idea's commercial potential, identifying strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, our vibrant community provides valuable feedback through comments and evaluations.Step 3: Creating a Business CaseCresh’s AI helps you draft initial business cases, which can be further refined with input from community members, ensuring a robust and compelling business plan.Step 4: Finding Co-FoundersCresh connects you with potential co-founders who have the skills and experience to complement your own, building a strong team to drive your venture forward.Step 5: Securing FundingGain access to a network of venture capital funds, accelerator programs, and other funding sources through Cresh, simplifying the process of securing the capital needed for growth.Cresh combines cutting-edge AI tools with a supportive community to turn your ideas into reality. Join Cresh today and start your journey from concept to funded venture.
View ProfileWroclaw, Poland
postpost Icon to nowoczesna agencja social media, która specjalizuje sie w kompleksowym zarzadzaniu obecnoscia marek w Internecie. Oferujemy profesjonalne prowadzenie social media, w tym prowadzenie Facebooka, prowadzenie Instagrama i prowadzenie LinkedIna, dostosowujac strategie do indywidualnych wymagan naszych klientów. Z nami Twoja marka zyska wieksze zaangazowanie, widocznosc i realne wyniki sprzedazowe. Dzieki kreatywnym tresciom, skutecznym kampaniom i regularnej analizie danych pomagamy budowac trwale relacje z odbiorcami. Zaufaj ekspertom, którzy rozumieja swiat social mediów i potrafia polaczyc go z Twoimi potrzebami.
View ProfileSan Francisco, Poznan Poland