New Caledonia |
EcoTek Termite and Pest ControlSponsor |
EcoTek Termite and Pest Control are the bed bug exterminator experts. Contact us today to have one of our trained professionals come out to your home or business. Bed bugs are so small that they can get themselves into mattresses, sheets, and baseboards. They are not just confined to beds. They slip into every crack or crevice in any piece of furniture and can be found in picture frames or electrical outlet plates. They reproduce quickly too. A female may lay up to 500 eggs in her lifetime. In normal room temperatures, these bugs have a normal lifespan of almost a year. As insidious as they are, they really do not pose serious risks to humans in terms of being able to transfer diseases. They do, however, enjoy biting people. Stay vigilant to keep bed bug infestations from your home, or call us for help. EcoTek Termite and Pest Control, 1502 N Duke St, Ste A, Durham, NC 27701, (919) 794-8290 http://www.ecotektermiteandpest.com |
(919) 794-8290 | View Profile1502 N Duke St, Ste A Durham, NC 27701, New Caledonia |
EcotermitesSponsor |
Ecotermites est une entreprise professionnelle qui fournit des services de lutte antiparasitaire et d'extermination des termites, rats, cafards et insectes. Nous nous engageons à fournir à nos clients le meilleur service possible et des produits de qualité. Nous sommes en activité depuis plus de 22 ans et avons fait nos preuves. Nous nous engageons à satisfaire nos clients et offrons une garantie sur nos travaux. Nous proposons également une consultation gratuite afin d'évaluer vos besoins et de vous recommander la meilleure marche à suivre. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour planifier une consultation gratuite. Merci de considérer Ecotermites ! |
+687 86017 | View ProfileNouméa, New Caledonia |