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Olympic Flame Italy
Radice Fedele SalottiSponsor
Radice Fedele Salotti Icon
Produzione divani moderni artigianalmente. Il nostro show-room e laboratorio si trovano a pochi chilometri da Milano, a Meda nel cuore della Brianza.
+39 0362 70818 | View ProfileMeda, Monza e della Brianza Italy
Gian Paolo ArredamentiSponsor
Gian Paolo Arredamenti Icon
I have been involved in interior design for over 30 years, personally following and taking care of each phase. I offer several listed solutions and a 3D project that I discuss with the customer and that can be modified at will.Customers appreciate me for their willingness to listen, their attention to their needs, and the ability to offer original and customized solutions after a careful planning phase. Part of my way of working is also to give advice on materials, finishes always keeping in mind the economic aspect. Based on this information I then provide a detailed quote.Once agreed, I can also provide an electrician and pipe-maker plan in order to better prepare the electrical and hydraulic system according to the furniture purchased. Finally I deal with the laying using professionals in the transport and assembly of furniture.
328 225 0630 | View ProfileAosta, Italy
Pellicole Shop by Spazio ideaSponsor
Pellicole Shop by Spazio idea Icon
Distributore ed Installatore di Pellicole per Vetri professionali
392 6475426 | View ProfileMontesarchio, Montesarchio Italy
Carlo tuzziSponsor
carlo tuzzi Icon
Consultancy, research and development of innovative materials and technologies applied to the world of furniture and design
+39 333 189 0540 | View ProfileMilano, Italy
Cantieri Navali Di SestriSponsor
Cantieri Navali Di Sestri Icon
Cantieri Navali Di Sestri shipyard aims for excellence, combining traditional culture with the most advanced technology cohabiting them with traditional craft competence like the master shipwright. Sestri Shipyard professional in nautical services like maintenance, careenage, antiosmosis, refitting and berths.
+39 010 651 2476 | View ProfileGenova, Select one or none Italy
Le Stonghe TrouwenSponsor
Le Stonghe Trouwen Icon
Dat voelt als een fantastische selectie ! Italië is echt een verbluffend plaats en erkend vanwege zijn pracht , architectuur, kunst en delicatessen. Er zijn verschillende mooi locaties te verkrijgen , van historische paleizen tot hedendaagse villa's aan zee, en van prachtige tuinen tot bescheiden en persoonlijke kapellen.
View ProfilePesaro e Urbino, Italy
New edil metal s.r.l.sSponsor
new edil metal s.r.l.s Icon
New Edil Metal is your reliable partner for building installation and plasterboard processing needs in Gioia del Colle. We offer quality materials, custom work and a professional team for excellent results.
+39 333 705 6539 | View Profilegioia del colle , Italy